Dec 11 2009

The Relationship Between Age, Usage, and 3FG%

In my last two posts I have taken a look at modeling a player’s 3FG% based on their age, and I’ve also estimated the relationship between usage and 3FG%. In this post I would like to bring these two topics together and estimate the relationship between age, usage, and 3FG%. The Data To put this […]

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Dec 9 2009

Estimating the Impact of Aging on 3FG%

The impact of aging on player performance interests me, but I haven’t really done anything useful in this area. Baseball’s recent debate (really fantastic stuff) on the topic of player aging curves has motivated me to take a closer look at the affect of aging on 3pt shooting. Ed Küpfer’s three year old post on […]

Jul 2 2009

Measuring 3pt Shooting Ability With a Multilevel Model

Over the past couple of months I took an awesome class on categorical data analysis. Although it may not sound like it, this sort of data analysis has a lot of application to basketball, as it covers analyzing and building models for things like odds of events, probabilities of success, etc. Although we didn’t cover […]


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